|The design model is adapted to model the real implementation environment, and serves as
|an abstraction of the source code. It is a "blueprint" of how the source code is structured
|and written.
|The design model is a hierarchy of packages (design subsystems and design-service
|packages), with "leaves" that are classes or use-case realizations.
| The design model hierarchy consists of layers.
|Classes represent abstractions of classes in the system's implementation. They define the
|objects, which in turn are abstractions of the objects in the system's implementation. The
|use cases are realized by the objects, and this is represented by use-case realizations.
|Each use-case realization in the design model has a trace dependency to a use case in the
|use-case model.
exportControl "Public"
global TRUE
subsystem "Component View"
quidu "34DBB4830143"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class_Category "Use Case Realizations"
quid "34E36D3203CA"
|In this Package we will describe "Use Case Realizations" as stereotyped use cases.
|A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within the design model, in terms of collaborating objects.
|A trace dependency is used between the "Use Case Realization" and the "Use Case" in the use-case model that is realized.
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object UseCase "<Use-Case Name>Realization"
quid "352F38180276"
|This will be a stereotype on a usecase.
|In UML it is a stereotype on a collaboration and that does not exist in Rose.
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Mechanism @6
logical_models (list unit_reference_list))
(object Mechanism @7
logical_models (list unit_reference_list))
(object Mechanism @8
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Trace Dependencies"
quid "34E39DA90302"
title "Trace Dependencies"
documentation "This diagram shows the Use Case and the Use Case Realization and the Trace dependency between them."
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @9
location (704, 144)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @9
location (38, 25)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 5
max_width 1296
|This diagram shows the Use Case and the Use Case Realization and the Trace dependency between them.
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1356
height 250)
(object UseCaseView "Use Case View::Use-Cases::<Use Case Name>" @10
location (1216, 528)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @10
location (1216, 666)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 631
justify 0
label "<Use Case Name>")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "34E37FB203D4"
autoResize TRUE)
(object UseCaseView "Logical View::Use Case Realizations::<Use-Case Name>Realization" @11
location (592, 944)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @11
location (592, 1082)
anchor_loc 1
nlines 2
max_width 631
justify 0
label "<Use-Case Name>Realization")
icon_style "Icon"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
quidu "352F38180276"
height 118
autoResize TRUE)
(object AssociationViewNew "" @12
location (822, 787)
stereotype (object SegLabel @13
Parent_View @12
location (822, 680)
anchor 10
anchor_loc 1
nlines 1
max_width 450
justify 0
label "<<trace>>"
pctDist 0.500000
height 108
orientation 0)
line_color 3342489
quidu "35409E9D02A8"
roleview_list (list RoleViews
(object RoleView "" @14
Parent_View @12
location (182, -493)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "35409E9E0294"
client @12
supplier @10
line_style 0)
(object RoleView "" @15
Parent_View @12
location (182, -493)
stereotype TRUE
line_color 3342489
quidu "35409E9E0295"
client @12
supplier @11
line_style 0)))))
(object ClassDiagram "<Use Case Name> - Classes"
quid "35081DE003CA"
title "<Use Case Name> - Classes"
documentation "This Diagram shows all participating classes in this Use Case Realization"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @16
location (464, 160)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @16
location (36, 48)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 4
max_width 820
|This Diagram shows all participating classes in this Use Case Realization
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 880
height 237)))
(object ObjectDiagram "<Use Case Name> - Basic Flow"
mechanism_ref @6
quid "35081E140140"
title "<Use Case Name> - Basic Flow"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))
(object InteractionDiagram "<Use Case Name> - Basic Flow"
mechanism_ref @7
quid "35081E3603A2"
title "<Use Case Name> - Basic Flow"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))
(object InteractionDiagram "<Use Case Name> - <Flow Type>"
mechanism_ref @8
quid "3540A0B901AE"
title "<Use Case Name> - <Flow Type>"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
(object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
quid "35409E9D02A8"
stereotype "trace"
roles (list role_list
(object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
quid "35409E9E0294"
supplier "Use Case View::Use-Cases::<Use Case Name>"
quidu "34E37FB203D4"
is_navigable TRUE)
(object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
quid "35409E9E0295"
supplier "Logical View::Use Case Realizations::<Use-Case Name>Realization"
quidu "352F38180276"))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list))
(object Class_Category "<Layer Name>- Layer"
quid "34E3686A00F0"
|The design model is normally organized in layers. The number of layers is not fixed, but varies from situation to situation.
|During architectural analysis, focus is normally on the two high-level layers, that is, the application and business-specific layers;
|this is what is meant by the "high-level organization of subsystems." The other lower-level layers are in focus during architectural
|design, refer to the activity Architectural Design for more information.
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class_Category "<Design Package - Name>"
quid "34E36BB7017C"
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list)
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "Architecture - Significant Classes and Packages"
quid "34E36BDE02C6"
title "Architecture - Significant Classes and Packages"
|This diagram is just produced for architectural significant packages.
|This diagram shows the Architectural Significant Classes and Packages in this package. Only significant operations and attributes are shown on the classes in this diagram.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Design
|Step: Include Architecturally Significant Classes in the Logical View
|This will be a part of the "Software Architecture Document" :
|- "Logical View"
|- "Architecturally Significant Design Packages"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @17
location (800, 336)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @17
location (22, 8)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 14
max_width 1521
|This diagram is just produced for architectural significant packages.
|This diagram shows the Architectural Significant Classes and Packages in this package. Only significant operations and attributes are shown on the classes in this diagram.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Design
|Step: Include Architecturally Significant Model Elements in the Logical View
|This will be a part of the "Software Architecture Document" :
|- "Logical View"
|- "Architecturally Significant Model Elements"
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1581
height 668)))
(object ClassDiagram "Package - Dependencies"
quid "34E36C2903C0"
title "Package - Dependencies"
|This diagram shows the package itself and the packages that it is dependent of.
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @18
location (624, 176)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @18
location (27, 14)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 6
max_width 1158
|This diagram shows the package itself and the packages that it is dependent of.
|Used for Software Architecture document.
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1218
height 337)))
(object ClassDiagram "Package - Interfaces"
quid "34E3774A003C"
title "Package - Interfaces"
documentation "This diagram shows only the classes that are visible outside this package. The interfaces of the package."
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @19
location (560, 192)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @19
location (38, 20)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 7
max_width 1008
|This diagram shows only the classes that are visible outside this package. The interfaces of the package.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Design
|Step: Identify Interfaces
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1068
height 356))))))
logical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object ClassDiagram "All Packages in <Layer Name> - Layer"
quid "34E36BAE0398"
title "All Packages in <Layer Name> - Layer"
documentation "This diagram shows all packages in this - Layer."
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @20
location (640, 272)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @20
location (190, 187)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 3
max_width 865
label "This diagram shows all packages in this - Layer")
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 925
height 182)))))
(object Class_Category "Mechanisms"
quid "35081C090258"
|In this package we store abstractions of general mechanisms and patterns that will be used in different parts of the Logical View of the system.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Analysis
|Step: Identify Analysis Mechanisms
|Activity: Architectural Design
|Step: Identify Design Mechanisms
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class_Category "Analysis Mechanisms"
quid "34E3EB640262"
|An analysis mechanism represents a pattern that constitutes a common solution to a common problem. They may be patterns of structure, patterns of behavior, or both.
|See, Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Analysis
|Step: Identify Analysis Mechanisms
exportControl "Public"
logical_models (list unit_reference_list
(object Class "Analysis Mechanism Class - Example"
|Welcome to the Rational Unified Process Frame Work
|Purpose of the FrameWork:
|a) provide a good structure for a Rose model
|b) provide a style guide with naming conventions/suggestions
|c) identify a minimal set of diagrams to produce
|d) relate activities in RUP to Rose diagrams
|e) provide a basis for sophisticated SoDA reports. For instance based on this structure most of the Rose parts of the "Software Architecture Document" could be generated from SoDA.
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @22
location (880, 352)
font (object Font
size 10)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @22
location (36, 61)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 11
max_width 1653
|Welcome to the Rational Unified Process Frame Work
|Purpose of the FrameWork:
|a) provide a good structure for a Rose model
|b) provide a style guide with naming conventions/suggestions
|c) identify a minimal set of diagrams to produce
|d) relate activities in RUP to Rose diagrams
|e) provide a basis for sophisticated SoDA reports. For instance based on this structure most of the Rose parts of the "Software Architecture Document" could be generated from SoDA.
|This diagram shows a local view of the Use Case with relations to Actors and other Use Cases.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Describe a Use-Case
|Step: Illustrate Relationships with Actors and Other Use-Cases
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @23
location (640, 256)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @23
location (40, 34)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 9
max_width 1165
|This diagram shows the design model layers.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Architectural Analysis
|Step: Define the High-Level Organization of Subsystems
|Activity: Architectural Design
|Step: Define the Low-level Organization of Subsystems
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1225
height 456)))))
root_subsystem (object SubSystem "Component View"
quid "34DBB4830143"
|The Implementaition View in Rational Unified Process
|Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Define the Organization of Subsystems
|These diagrams will be a part of the :
|-"Software Architecture Document"
|- "Implementation View"
|An architectural view that describes one or several system configurations; the mapping of software components (tasks, modules) to the computing nodes in these configurations.
|Defines, executables, dll's, files, subsystems, compilation order etc.
|It is recommended that, in most cases, the mapping should be
|1:1 between design and implementation, that is, for each package in design there is one subsystem in the implementation model.
physical_models (list unit_reference_list)
physical_presentations (list unit_reference_list
(object Module_Diagram "Subsystems and Layers"
quid "34DBB487006E"
title "Subsystems and Layers"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object NoteView @24
location (624, 160)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @24
location (21, 26)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 5
max_width 1170
|RationalUnified Process:
|Activity: Structure the implementation model
|Step: Create the Initial Implementation Model Structure
line_color 3342489
fill_color 13434879
width 1230
height 281)))))
process_structure (object Processes
quid "34DBB4830144"
ProcsNDevs (list
(object Processor "NewProcessor"
quid "34DBBD4300B4"
connections (list connection_list
(object Connection_Relationship
quid "34DBBD4B008C"
supplier "NewDevice"
quidu "34DBBD47019A"
supplier_is_device TRUE))
characteristics ""
scheduling "Preemptive"
processes (list processes))
(object Device "NewDevice"
quid "34DBBD47019A"
characteristics "")
(object Process_Diagram "Deployment View"
quid "34DBB4830146"
title "Deployment View"
|The Deployment View in Rational Unified Process
|Defines the typical physical network configurations, including those typically used by end users, as well as special configurations used for development and test.
|See Rational Unified Process:
|Activity: Describe Distribution
|This diagram will be a part of the :
|-"Software Architecture Document"
|- "Deployment View"
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list
(object ProcessorView "NewProcessor" @25
location (1520, 1472)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @25
location (1409, 1417)
nlines 2
max_width 150
justify 0
label "NewProcessor")
icon_style "Icon"
quidu "34DBBD4300B4"
width 225
height 180
annotation 0)
(object DeviceView "NewDevice" @26
location (592, 1024)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @26
location (481, 969)
nlines 2
max_width 150
justify 0
label "NewDevice")
icon_style "Icon"
quidu "34DBBD47019A"
width 225
height 180
annotation 0)
(object ConnectionView "" @27
stereotype TRUE
quidu "34DBBD4B008C"
client @25
supplier @26
line_style 0)
(object NoteView @28
location (816, 304)
label (object ItemLabel
Parent_View @28
location (38, 29)
fill_color 13434879
nlines 11
max_width 1521
|This Diagram defines the typical physical network configurations, including those typically used by end users, as well as special configurations used for development and test.
|╖ Allocate processes to the various nodes. Allocation takes into account the capacity of the nodes (in terms of
|both memory and processing), bandwidth of the communication medium (bus, LANs, WANs), and the
|availability of the hardware and communication links, rerouting, and so on.