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  2. (object Petal
  3.     version        42
  4.     _written       "Rose 6.0.INTERNAL"
  5.     charSet        0)
  7. (object Design "Logical View"
  8.     is_unit        TRUE
  9.     is_loaded      TRUE
  10.     defaults       (object defaults
  11.     rightMargin     0.250000
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  14.     bottomMargin     0.500000
  15.     pageOverlap     0.250000
  16.     clipIconLabels     TRUE
  17.     autoResize     TRUE
  18.     snapToGrid     TRUE
  19.     gridX          16
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  21.     defaultFont     (object Font
  22.         size           9
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  26.         underline      FALSE
  27.         strike         FALSE
  28.         color          0
  29.         default_color     TRUE)
  30.     showMessageNum     1
  31.     showClassOfObject     TRUE
  32.     notation       "Unified")
  33.     root_usecase_package     (object Class_Category "Use Case View"
  34.     quid           "34DBB4830142"
  35.     documentation     
  36. |The Rational Unified Process Use-Case Model.
  37. |
  38. |See Rational Unified Process:
  39. |Activities in: Workflow  "Requirements Capture"
  40. |
  42.     exportControl     "Public"
  43.     global         TRUE
  44.     logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  45.         (object Class_Category "Use-Cases"
  46.         quid           "34E37E430280"
  47.         documentation     
  48. |This package is used in order to store all use cases and structure the use case model.
  49. |
  50. |See Rational UnifiedProcess:
  51. |Activity " Describe the Use Case Model".
  52. |
  53. |In order to group related use cases togehter it is recommended to specify use case packages within this package.
  54. |
  55. |Use Cases are mainly documented in a text file and we link those files to the grafical representation of that use case  in Rose.
  56. |
  57. |The "Use Case Realizations" that correspond to these use cases  are created in the Logical View..
  58. |
  59. |
  61.         exportControl     "Public"
  62.         logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  63.             (object UseCase "<Use Case Name>"
  64.             quid           "34E37FB203D4"
  65.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  66.                 (object UseCaseDiagram "Local Use-Case View"
  67.                 quid           "34E3E970019A"
  68.                 title          "Local Use-Case View"
  69.                 zoom           100
  70.                 max_height     28350
  71.                 max_width      21600
  72.                 origin_x       0
  73.                 origin_y       0
  74.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  75.                     (object NoteView @1
  76.                     location       (736, 224)
  77.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  78.                         Parent_View     @1
  79.                         location       (30, 31)
  80.                         fill_color     13434879
  81.                         nlines         8
  82.                         max_width      1376
  83.                         label          
  84. |
  85. |This diagram shows a local view of the Use Case with relations to Actors and other Use Cases.
  86. |
  87. |For information on this see Rational Unified Process:
  88. |Activity:  Detail a Use-Case
  89. |Step: Illustrate Relationships with Actors and Other Use-Cases
  90.                         )
  91.                     line_color     3342489
  92.                     fill_color     13434879
  93.                     width          1436
  94.                     height         399))))))
  95.         logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  96.             (object UseCaseDiagram "All \"uses\" Use-Cases"
  97.             quid           "353D561F0302"
  98.             title          
  99. |All "uses" Use-Cases
  101.             documentation     
  102. |This diagram shows all uses "use cases" in the system.
  104.             zoom           100
  105.             max_height     28350
  106.             max_width      21600
  107.             origin_x       0
  108.             origin_y       0
  109.             items          (list diagram_item_list
  110.                 (object NoteView @2
  111.                 location       (528, 96)
  112.                 label          (object ItemLabel
  113.                     Parent_View     @2
  114.                     location       (25, 24)
  115.                     fill_color     13434879
  116.                     nlines         3
  117.                     max_width      971
  118.                     label          
  119. |
  120. |This diagram shows all uses "use cases" in the system.
  121.                     )
  122.                 line_color     3342489
  123.                 fill_color     13434879
  124.                 width          1031
  125.                 height         156)))
  126.             (object UseCaseDiagram "All \"extends\" Use-Cases"
  127.             quid           "353D5628000A"
  128.             title          
  129. |All "extends" Use-Cases
  131.             documentation     
  132. |This diagram shows all extends "use cases" in the system.
  134.             zoom           100
  135.             max_height     28350
  136.             max_width      21600
  137.             origin_x       0
  138.             origin_y       0
  139.             items          (list diagram_item_list
  140.                 (object NoteView @3
  141.                 location       (560, 80)
  142.                 label          (object ItemLabel
  143.                     Parent_View     @3
  144.                     location       (28, 8)
  145.                     fill_color     13434879
  146.                     nlines         3
  147.                     max_width      1028
  148.                     label          
  149. |
  150. |This diagram shows all extends "use cases" in the system.
  151.                     )
  152.                 line_color     3342489
  153.                 fill_color     13434879
  154.                 width          1088
  155.                 height         156)))))
  156.         (object Class_Category "Actors"
  157.         quid           "3518CBC9026C"
  158.         documentation     "This Package stores all Actors in the system."
  159.         exportControl     "Public"
  160.         logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  161.             (object Class "<Actor Name>"
  162.             quid           "353D5816026C"
  163.             stereotype     "Actor"))
  164.         logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list)))
  165.     logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  166.         (object UseCaseDiagram "Global Use-Case View"
  167.         quid           "34DBB487006F"
  168.         title          "Global Use-Case View"
  169.         documentation     
  170. |This is a global view of the system.
  171. |Showing all Use Cases and Actors.
  173.         zoom           100
  174.         max_height     28350
  175.         max_width      21600
  176.         origin_x       0
  177.         origin_y       0
  178.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  179.             (object NoteView @4
  180.             location       (480, 80)
  181.             label          (object ItemLabel
  182.                 Parent_View     @4
  183.                 location       (18, 15)
  184.                 fill_color     13434879
  185.                 nlines         2
  186.                 max_width      889
  187.                 label          
  188. |This is a global view of the system.
  189. |Showing all Use Cases and Actors.
  190.                 )
  191.             line_color     3342489
  192.             fill_color     13434879
  193.             width          949
  194.             height         143)))
  195.         (object UseCaseDiagram "Architecture - Significant Use-Cases"
  196.         quid           "34E36CFC03D4"
  197.         title          "Architecture - Significant Use-Cases"
  198.         documentation     
  199. |
  200. |This is the Use-Case View  that is a part of the "Software Architecture Document" in Rational Unfied Process.
  201. |
  202. |This diagrams shows only the Use-Cases that are significant for the architecture of the system.
  203. |
  204. |For information on this see the Rational Unified Process:
  205. |Activity: Prioritize Use Cases
  206. |Step: Document Use Cases and Scenarios in the Use-Case View
  208.         zoom           100
  209.         max_height     28350
  210.         max_width      21600
  211.         origin_x       0
  212.         origin_y       0
  213.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  214.             (object NoteView @5
  215.             location       (672, 288)
  216.             label          (object ItemLabel
  217.                 Parent_View     @5
  218.                 location       (47, 19)
  219.                 fill_color     13434879
  220.                 nlines         11
  221.                 max_width      1215
  222.                 label          
  223. |This is the Use-Case View  that is a part of the "Software Architecture Document" in Rational Unfied Process.
  224. |
  225. |This diagrams shows only the Use-Cases that are significant for the architecture of the system.
  226. |
  227. |For information on this see the Rational Unified Process:
  228. |Activity: Prioritize Use Cases
  229. |Step: Document Use Cases and Scenarios in the Use-Case View
  230.                 )
  231.             line_color     3342489
  232.             fill_color     13434879
  233.             width          1275
  234.             height         550)))))
  235.     root_category     (object Class_Category "Logical View"
  236.     quid           "34DBB4830141"
  237.     documentation     
  238. |The Design Model in Rational Unified Process
  239. |
  240. |The design model is adapted to model the real implementation environment, and serves as
  241. |an abstraction of the source code. It is a "blueprint" of how the source code is structured
  242. |and written. 
  243. |
  244. |The design model is a hierarchy of packages (design subsystems and design-service
  245. |packages), with "leaves" that are classes or use-case realizations. 
  246. |
  247. | The design model hierarchy consists of layers. 
  248. |
  249. |Classes represent abstractions of classes in the system's implementation. They define the
  250. |objects, which in turn are abstractions of the objects in the system's implementation. The
  251. |use cases are realized by the objects, and this is represented by use-case realizations.
  252. |Each use-case realization in the design model has a trace dependency to a use case in the
  253. |use-case model.
  255.     exportControl     "Public"
  256.     global         TRUE
  257.     subsystem      "Component View"
  258.     quidu          "34DBB4830143"
  259.     logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  260.         (object Class_Category "Use Case Realizations"
  261.         quid           "34E36D3203CA"
  262.         documentation     
  263. |In this Package we will describe "Use Case Realizations" as stereotyped use cases.
  264. |
  265. |A use-case realization describes how a particular use case is realized within  the design model, in terms of collaborating objects.
  266. |A trace dependency is used between the "Use Case Realization" and the "Use Case" in the use-case  model that is realized. 
  267. |
  268. |
  269. |
  271.         exportControl     "Public"
  272.         logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  273.             (object UseCase "<Use-Case Name>Realization"
  274.             quid           "352F38180276"
  275.             documentation     
  276. |This will be a stereotype on a usecase. 
  277. |In UML it is a stereotype on a collaboration and that does not exist in Rose.
  279.             logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  280.                 (object Mechanism @6
  281.                 logical_models     (list unit_reference_list))
  282.                 (object Mechanism @7
  283.                 logical_models     (list unit_reference_list))
  284.                 (object Mechanism @8
  285.                 logical_models     (list unit_reference_list)))
  286.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  287.                 (object ClassDiagram "Trace Dependencies"
  288.                 quid           "34E39DA90302"
  289.                 title          "Trace Dependencies"
  290.                 documentation     "This diagram shows the Use Case and the Use Case Realization and the Trace dependency between them."
  291.                 zoom           100
  292.                 max_height     28350
  293.                 max_width      21600
  294.                 origin_x       0
  295.                 origin_y       0
  296.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  297.                     (object NoteView @9
  298.                     location       (704, 144)
  299.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  300.                         Parent_View     @9
  301.                         location       (38, 25)
  302.                         fill_color     13434879
  303.                         nlines         5
  304.                         max_width      1296
  305.                         label          
  306. |
  307. |This diagram shows the Use Case and the Use Case Realization and the Trace dependency between them.
  308.                         )
  309.                     line_color     3342489
  310.                     fill_color     13434879
  311.                     width          1356
  312.                     height         250)
  313.                     (object UseCaseView "Use Case View::Use-Cases::<Use Case Name>" @10
  314.                     location       (1216, 528)
  315.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  316.                         Parent_View     @10
  317.                         location       (1216, 666)
  318.                         anchor_loc     1
  319.                         nlines         2
  320.                         max_width      631
  321.                         justify        0
  322.                         label          "<Use Case Name>")
  323.                     icon_style     "Icon"
  324.                     line_color     3342489
  325.                     fill_color     13434879
  326.                     quidu          "34E37FB203D4"
  327.                     autoResize     TRUE)
  328.                     (object UseCaseView "Logical View::Use Case Realizations::<Use-Case Name>Realization" @11
  329.                     location       (592, 944)
  330.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  331.                         Parent_View     @11
  332.                         location       (592, 1082)
  333.                         anchor_loc     1
  334.                         nlines         2
  335.                         max_width      631
  336.                         justify        0
  337.                         label          "<Use-Case Name>Realization")
  338.                     icon_style     "Icon"
  339.                     line_color     3342489
  340.                     fill_color     13434879
  341.                     quidu          "352F38180276"
  342.                     height         118
  343.                     autoResize     TRUE)
  344.                     (object AssociationViewNew "" @12
  345.                     location       (822, 787)
  346.                     stereotype     (object SegLabel @13
  347.                         Parent_View     @12
  348.                         location       (822, 680)
  349.                         anchor         10
  350.                         anchor_loc     1
  351.                         nlines         1
  352.                         max_width      450
  353.                         justify        0
  354.                         label          "<<trace>>"
  355.                         pctDist        0.500000
  356.                         height         108
  357.                         orientation     0)
  358.                     line_color     3342489
  359.                     quidu          "35409E9D02A8"
  360.                     roleview_list     (list RoleViews
  361.                         (object RoleView "" @14
  362.                         Parent_View     @12
  363.                         location       (182, -493)
  364.                         stereotype     TRUE
  365.                         line_color     3342489
  366.                         quidu          "35409E9E0294"
  367.                         client         @12
  368.                         supplier       @10
  369.                         line_style     0)
  370.                         (object RoleView "" @15
  371.                         Parent_View     @12
  372.                         location       (182, -493)
  373.                         stereotype     TRUE
  374.                         line_color     3342489
  375.                         quidu          "35409E9E0295"
  376.                         client         @12
  377.                         supplier       @11
  378.                         line_style     0)))))
  379.                 (object ClassDiagram "<Use Case Name> -  Classes"
  380.                 quid           "35081DE003CA"
  381.                 title          "<Use Case Name> -  Classes"
  382.                 documentation     "This Diagram shows all participating classes in this Use Case Realization"
  383.                 zoom           100
  384.                 max_height     28350
  385.                 max_width      21600
  386.                 origin_x       0
  387.                 origin_y       0
  388.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  389.                     (object NoteView @16
  390.                     location       (464, 160)
  391.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  392.                         Parent_View     @16
  393.                         location       (36, 48)
  394.                         fill_color     13434879
  395.                         nlines         4
  396.                         max_width      820
  397.                         label          
  398. |
  399. |This Diagram shows all participating classes in this Use Case Realization
  400.                         )
  401.                     line_color     3342489
  402.                     fill_color     13434879
  403.                     width          880
  404.                     height         237)))
  405.                 (object ObjectDiagram "<Use Case Name> -  Basic Flow"
  406.                 mechanism_ref     @6
  407.                 quid           "35081E140140"
  408.                 title          "<Use Case Name> -  Basic Flow"
  409.                 zoom           100
  410.                 max_height     28350
  411.                 max_width      21600
  412.                 origin_x       0
  413.                 origin_y       0
  414.                 items          (list diagram_item_list))
  415.                 (object InteractionDiagram "<Use Case Name> -  Basic Flow"
  416.                 mechanism_ref     @7
  417.                 quid           "35081E3603A2"
  418.                 title          "<Use Case Name> -  Basic Flow"
  419.                 zoom           100
  420.                 max_height     28350
  421.                 max_width      21600
  422.                 origin_x       0
  423.                 origin_y       0
  424.                 items          (list diagram_item_list))
  425.                 (object InteractionDiagram "<Use Case Name> -  <Flow Type>"
  426.                 mechanism_ref     @8
  427.                 quid           "3540A0B901AE"
  428.                 title          "<Use Case Name> -  <Flow Type>"
  429.                 zoom           100
  430.                 max_height     28350
  431.                 max_width      21600
  432.                 origin_x       0
  433.                 origin_y       0
  434.                 items          (list diagram_item_list))))
  435.             (object Association "$UNNAMED$0"
  436.             quid           "35409E9D02A8"
  437.             stereotype     "trace"
  438.             roles          (list role_list
  439.                 (object Role "$UNNAMED$1"
  440.                 quid           "35409E9E0294"
  441.                 supplier       "Use Case View::Use-Cases::<Use Case Name>"
  442.                 quidu          "34E37FB203D4"
  443.                 is_navigable     TRUE)
  444.                 (object Role "$UNNAMED$2"
  445.                 quid           "35409E9E0295"
  446.                 supplier       "Logical View::Use Case Realizations::<Use-Case Name>Realization"
  447.                 quidu          "352F38180276"))))
  448.         logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list))
  449.         (object Class_Category "<Layer Name>- Layer"
  450.         quid           "34E3686A00F0"
  451.         documentation     
  452. |The design model is normally organized in layers. The number of layers is not fixed, but varies from situation to situation. 
  453. |
  454. |During architectural analysis, focus is normally on the two high-level layers, that is, the application and business-specific layers; 
  455. |this is what is meant by the "high-level organization of subsystems." The other lower-level layers are in focus during architectural 
  456. |design, refer to the activity Architectural Design for more information.
  457. |
  459.         exportControl     "Public"
  460.         logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  461.             (object Class_Category "<Design Package - Name>"
  462.             quid           "34E36BB7017C"
  463.             exportControl     "Public"
  464.             logical_models     (list unit_reference_list)
  465.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  466.                 (object ClassDiagram "Architecture - Significant Classes and Packages"
  467.                 quid           "34E36BDE02C6"
  468.                 title          "Architecture - Significant Classes and Packages"
  469.                 documentation     
  470. |This diagram is just produced for architectural significant packages.
  471. |
  472. |This diagram shows the Architectural Significant Classes and Packages in this package. Only significant  operations and attributes are shown on the classes in this diagram.
  473. |
  474. |See Rational Unified Process:
  475. |Activity: Architectural Design
  476. |Step: Include Architecturally Significant Classes in the Logical View
  477. |
  478. |This will be a part of  the  "Software Architecture Document" :
  479. |- "Logical View" 
  480. |-     "Architecturally Significant Design Packages"
  482.                 zoom           100
  483.                 max_height     28350
  484.                 max_width      21600
  485.                 origin_x       0
  486.                 origin_y       0
  487.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  488.                     (object NoteView @17
  489.                     location       (800, 336)
  490.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  491.                         Parent_View     @17
  492.                         location       (22, 8)
  493.                         fill_color     13434879
  494.                         nlines         14
  495.                         max_width      1521
  496.                         label          
  497. |
  498. |This diagram is just produced for architectural significant packages.
  499. |
  500. |This diagram shows the Architectural Significant Classes and Packages in this package. Only significant  operations and attributes are shown on the classes in this diagram.
  501. |
  502. |See Rational Unified Process:
  503. |Activity: Architectural Design
  504. |Step:  Include Architecturally Significant Model Elements in the Logical View 
  505. |
  506. |This will be a part of  the  "Software Architecture Document" :
  507. |- "Logical View" 
  508. |-     "Architecturally Significant Model Elements"
  509.                         )
  510.                     line_color     3342489
  511.                     fill_color     13434879
  512.                     width          1581
  513.                     height         668)))
  514.                 (object ClassDiagram "Package - Dependencies"
  515.                 quid           "34E36C2903C0"
  516.                 title          "Package - Dependencies"
  517.                 documentation     
  518. |This diagram shows the package itself and the packages that it is dependent of.
  519. |
  521.                 zoom           100
  522.                 max_height     28350
  523.                 max_width      21600
  524.                 origin_x       0
  525.                 origin_y       0
  526.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  527.                     (object NoteView @18
  528.                     location       (624, 176)
  529.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  530.                         Parent_View     @18
  531.                         location       (27, 14)
  532.                         fill_color     13434879
  533.                         nlines         6
  534.                         max_width      1158
  535.                         label          
  536. |
  537. |This diagram shows the package itself and the packages that it is dependent of.
  538. |
  539. |Used for Software Architecture document.
  540.                         )
  541.                     line_color     3342489
  542.                     fill_color     13434879
  543.                     width          1218
  544.                     height         337)))
  545.                 (object ClassDiagram "Package - Interfaces"
  546.                 quid           "34E3774A003C"
  547.                 title          "Package - Interfaces"
  548.                 documentation     "This diagram shows only the classes that are visible outside this package. The interfaces of the package."
  549.                 zoom           100
  550.                 max_height     28350
  551.                 max_width      21600
  552.                 origin_x       0
  553.                 origin_y       0
  554.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  555.                     (object NoteView @19
  556.                     location       (560, 192)
  557.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  558.                         Parent_View     @19
  559.                         location       (38, 20)
  560.                         fill_color     13434879
  561.                         nlines         7
  562.                         max_width      1008
  563.                         label          
  564. |
  565. |This diagram shows only the classes that are visible outside this package. The interfaces of the package.
  566. |
  567. |See Rational Unified Process:
  568. |Activity: Architectural Design
  569. |Step:  Identify Interfaces
  570.                         )
  571.                     line_color     3342489
  572.                     fill_color     13434879
  573.                     width          1068
  574.                     height         356))))))
  575.         logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  576.             (object ClassDiagram "All Packages in <Layer Name> - Layer"
  577.             quid           "34E36BAE0398"
  578.             title          "All Packages in <Layer Name> - Layer"
  579.             documentation     "This diagram shows all packages in this - Layer."
  580.             zoom           100
  581.             max_height     28350
  582.             max_width      21600
  583.             origin_x       0
  584.             origin_y       0
  585.             items          (list diagram_item_list
  586.                 (object NoteView @20
  587.                 location       (640, 272)
  588.                 label          (object ItemLabel
  589.                     Parent_View     @20
  590.                     location       (190, 187)
  591.                     fill_color     13434879
  592.                     nlines         3
  593.                     max_width      865
  594.                     label          "This diagram shows all packages in this - Layer")
  595.                 line_color     3342489
  596.                 fill_color     13434879
  597.                 width          925
  598.                 height         182)))))
  599.         (object Class_Category "Mechanisms"
  600.         quid           "35081C090258"
  601.         documentation     
  602. |In this package we store abstractions of general mechanisms and patterns that will be used in different parts of the Logical View of the system.
  603. |
  604. |See Rational Unified Process:
  605. |Activity: Architectural Analysis
  606. |Step: Identify Analysis Mechanisms
  607. |
  608. |Activity: Architectural Design
  609. |Step: Identify Design Mechanisms
  610. |
  611. |
  612. |
  613. |
  614. |
  616.         exportControl     "Public"
  617.         logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  618.             (object Class_Category "Analysis Mechanisms"
  619.             quid           "34E3EB640262"
  620.             documentation     
  621. |An analysis mechanism represents a pattern that constitutes a common solution to a common problem. They may be patterns of structure, patterns of behavior, or both.
  622. |
  623. |See, Rational Unified Process:
  624. |Activity: Architectural Analysis
  625. |Step: Identify Analysis Mechanisms 
  627.             exportControl     "Public"
  628.             logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  629.                 (object Class "Analysis Mechanism Class - Example"
  630.                 quid           "34E38F4A01D6")
  631.                 (object Class "Persistence"
  632.                 quid           "34DBB4D90370")
  633.                 (object Class "Communication"
  634.                 quid           "34DBB51902BC"))
  635.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  636.                 (object UseCaseDiagram "All Classes"
  637.                 quid           "34E3EBC800BE"
  638.                 title          "All Classes"
  639.                 zoom           100
  640.                 max_height     28350
  641.                 max_width      21600
  642.                 origin_x       0
  643.                 origin_y       0
  644.                 items          (list diagram_item_list
  645.                     (object ClassView "Class" "Logical View::Mechanisms::Analysis Mechanisms::Analysis Mechanism Class - Example" @21
  646.                     ShowCompartmentStereotypes     TRUE
  647.                     IncludeAttribute     TRUE
  648.                     IncludeOperation     TRUE
  649.                     location       (496, 544)
  650.                     label          (object ItemLabel
  651.                         Parent_View     @21
  652.                         location       (154, 496)
  653.                         nlines         1
  654.                         max_width      684
  655.                         justify        0
  656.                         label          "Analysis Mechanism Class - Example")
  657.                     icon_style     "Icon"
  658.                     quidu          "34E38F4A01D6"
  659.                     width          702
  660.                     height         118
  661.                     annotation     8
  662.                     autoResize     TRUE)))))
  663.             (object Class_Category "Design Mechansisms"
  664.             quid           "35081CBA01CC"
  665.             documentation     
  666. |Design mechanisms are refined analysis mechanisms, based on the constraints imposed by the implementation environment.  
  667. |
  668. |See, Rational Unified Process:
  669. |Activity: Architectural Design
  670. |Step: Identify Design Mechanisms
  672.             exportControl     "Public"
  673.             logical_models     (list unit_reference_list)
  674.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list))
  675.             (object Class_Category "Patterns"
  676.             quid           "35081CAA03CA"
  677.             documentation     "Patterns other than mechanisms."
  678.             exportControl     "Public"
  679.             logical_models     (list unit_reference_list
  680.                 (object Class_Category "Patterns - <Your Favorites>"
  681.                 quid           "34DBBA150014"
  682.                 exportControl     "Public"
  683.                 logical_models     (list unit_reference_list)
  684.                 logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list))
  685.                 (object Class_Category "Patterns - Gamma et al"
  686.                 quid           "34DBB9D1012C"
  687.                 documentation     
  688. |From the book "Design Patterns" by Erich Gamma, et. al.
  690.                 exportControl     "Public"
  691.                 logical_models     (list unit_reference_list)
  692.                 logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list)))
  693.             logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list)))
  694.         logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list)))
  695.     logical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  696.         (object ClassDiagram "Welcome"
  697.         quid           "3512226B0028"
  698.         title          "Welcome"
  699.         documentation     
  700. |Welcome to the Rational Unified Process Frame Work
  701. |
  702. |Purpose of the FrameWork:
  703. |a) provide a good structure for a Rose model
  704. |
  705. |b) provide a style guide with naming conventions/suggestions
  706. |
  707. |c) identify a minimal set of diagrams to produce
  708. |
  709. |d) relate activities in RUP to Rose diagrams
  710. |
  711. |e) provide a basis for sophisticated SoDA reports. For instance based on this structure most of the Rose parts of the "Software Architecture Document" could be generated from SoDA.
  713.         zoom           100
  714.         max_height     28350
  715.         max_width      21600
  716.         origin_x       0
  717.         origin_y       0
  718.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  719.             (object NoteView @22
  720.             location       (880, 352)
  721.             font           (object Font
  722.                 size           10)
  723.             label          (object ItemLabel
  724.                 Parent_View     @22
  725.                 location       (36, 61)
  726.                 fill_color     13434879
  727.                 nlines         11
  728.                 max_width      1653
  729.                 label          
  730. |Welcome to the Rational Unified Process Frame Work
  731. |
  732. |Purpose of the FrameWork:
  733. |a) provide a good structure for a Rose model
  734. |b) provide a style guide with naming conventions/suggestions
  735. |c) identify a minimal set of diagrams to produce
  736. |d) relate activities in RUP to Rose diagrams
  737. |e) provide a basis for sophisticated SoDA reports. For instance based on this structure most of the Rose parts of the "Software Architecture Document" could be generated from SoDA.
  738.                 )
  739.             line_color     3342489
  740.             fill_color     13434879
  741.             width          1713
  742.             height         594)))
  743.         (object ClassDiagram "Architercture Overview - Package Layering"
  744.         quid           "354A9751015E"
  745.         title          "Architercture Overview - Package Layering"
  746.         documentation     
  747. |This diagram shows a local view of the Use Case with relations to Actors and other Use Cases.
  748. |
  749. |See Rational Unified Process:
  750. |Activity:  Describe a Use-Case
  751. |Step: Illustrate Relationships with Actors and Other Use-Cases
  753.         zoom           100
  754.         max_height     28350
  755.         max_width      21600
  756.         origin_x       0
  757.         origin_y       0
  758.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  759.             (object NoteView @23
  760.             location       (640, 256)
  761.             label          (object ItemLabel
  762.                 Parent_View     @23
  763.                 location       (40, 34)
  764.                 fill_color     13434879
  765.                 nlines         9
  766.                 max_width      1165
  767.                 label          
  768. |This diagram shows the design model layers.
  769. |
  770. |See Rational Unified Process:
  771. |Activity: Architectural Analysis
  772. |Step: Define the High-Level Organization of Subsystems
  773. |
  774. |Activity: Architectural Design
  775. |Step: Define the Low-level Organization of Subsystems
  776.                 )
  777.             line_color     3342489
  778.             fill_color     13434879
  779.             width          1225
  780.             height         456)))))
  781.     root_subsystem     (object SubSystem "Component View"
  782.     quid           "34DBB4830143"
  783.     documentation     
  784. |The Implementaition View in Rational Unified Process
  785. |
  786. |Rational Unified Process:
  787. |Activity: Define the Organization of Subsystems
  788. |
  789. |These diagrams will be a part of  the :
  790. |-"Software Architecture Document"
  791. |-  "Implementation  View" 
  792. |
  793. |An architectural view that describes one or several system configurations; the mapping of software components (tasks, modules) to the computing nodes in these configurations.
  794. |
  795. |Defines, executables, dll's, files, subsystems, compilation order etc.
  796. |
  797. |It is recommended that, in most cases, the mapping should be
  798. |1:1 between design and implementation, that is, for each package in design there is one subsystem in the implementation model.
  799. |
  801.     physical_models     (list unit_reference_list)
  802.     physical_presentations     (list unit_reference_list
  803.         (object Module_Diagram "Subsystems and Layers"
  804.         quid           "34DBB487006E"
  805.         title          "Subsystems and Layers"
  806.         zoom           100
  807.         max_height     28350
  808.         max_width      21600
  809.         origin_x       0
  810.         origin_y       0
  811.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  812.             (object NoteView @24
  813.             location       (624, 160)
  814.             label          (object ItemLabel
  815.                 Parent_View     @24
  816.                 location       (21, 26)
  817.                 fill_color     13434879
  818.                 nlines         5
  819.                 max_width      1170
  820.                 label          
  821. |
  822. |RationalUnified Process:
  823. |Activity: Structure the implementation model
  824. |Step: Create the Initial Implementation Model Structure
  825.                 )
  826.             line_color     3342489
  827.             fill_color     13434879
  828.             width          1230
  829.             height         281)))))
  830.     process_structure     (object Processes
  831.     quid           "34DBB4830144"
  832.     ProcsNDevs     (list
  833.         (object Processor "NewProcessor"
  834.         quid           "34DBBD4300B4"
  835.         connections     (list connection_list
  836.             (object Connection_Relationship
  837.             quid           "34DBBD4B008C"
  838.             supplier       "NewDevice"
  839.             quidu          "34DBBD47019A"
  840.             supplier_is_device     TRUE))
  841.         characteristics     ""
  842.         scheduling     "Preemptive"
  843.         processes      (list processes))
  844.         (object Device "NewDevice"
  845.         quid           "34DBBD47019A"
  846.         characteristics     "")
  847.         (object Process_Diagram "Deployment View"
  848.         quid           "34DBB4830146"
  849.         title          "Deployment View"
  850.         documentation     
  851. |The Deployment View in Rational Unified Process
  852. |
  853. |Defines the typical physical network configurations, including those typically used by end users, as well as special configurations used for development and test.
  854. |
  855. |See Rational Unified Process:
  856. |Activity: Describe Distribution
  857. |
  858. |This diagram will be a part of  the :
  859. |-"Software Architecture Document"
  860. |-  "Deployment  View" 
  861. |
  862. |
  864.         zoom           100
  865.         max_height     28350
  866.         max_width      21600
  867.         origin_x       0
  868.         origin_y       0
  869.         items          (list diagram_item_list
  870.             (object ProcessorView "NewProcessor" @25
  871.             location       (1520, 1472)
  872.             label          (object ItemLabel
  873.                 Parent_View     @25
  874.                 location       (1409, 1417)
  875.                 nlines         2
  876.                 max_width      150
  877.                 justify        0
  878.                 label          "NewProcessor")
  879.             icon_style     "Icon"
  880.             quidu          "34DBBD4300B4"
  881.             width          225
  882.             height         180
  883.             annotation     0)
  884.             (object DeviceView "NewDevice" @26
  885.             location       (592, 1024)
  886.             label          (object ItemLabel
  887.                 Parent_View     @26
  888.                 location       (481, 969)
  889.                 nlines         2
  890.                 max_width      150
  891.                 justify        0
  892.                 label          "NewDevice")
  893.             icon_style     "Icon"
  894.             quidu          "34DBBD47019A"
  895.             width          225
  896.             height         180
  897.             annotation     0)
  898.             (object ConnectionView "" @27
  899.             stereotype     TRUE
  900.             quidu          "34DBBD4B008C"
  901.             client         @25
  902.             supplier       @26
  903.             line_style     0)
  904.             (object NoteView @28
  905.             location       (816, 304)
  906.             label          (object ItemLabel
  907.                 Parent_View     @28
  908.                 location       (38, 29)
  909.                 fill_color     13434879
  910.                 nlines         11
  911.                 max_width      1521
  912.                 label          
  913. |This Diagram defines the typical physical network configurations, including those typically used by end users, as well as special configurations used for development and test.
  914. |
  915. |╖ Allocate processes to the various nodes. Allocation takes into account the capacity of the nodes (in terms of
  916. |both memory and processing), bandwidth of the communication medium (bus, LANs, WANs), and the
  917. |availability of the hardware and communication links, rerouting, and so on.
  918. |
  919. |Rational Objectory Process:
  920. |Activity: Describe Distribution
  921.                 )
  922.             line_color     3342489
  923.             fill_color     13434879
  924.             width          1581
  925.             height         563)))))
  926.     properties     (object Properties
  927.     attributes     (list Attribute_Set
  928.         (object Attribute
  929.         tool           "Oracle8"
  930.         name           "propertyId"
  931.         value          "360000002")
  932.         (object Attribute
  933.         tool           "Oracle8"
  934.         name           "default__Project"
  935.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  936.             (object Attribute
  937.             tool           "Oracle8"
  938.             name           "DDLScriptFilename"
  939.             value          "DDL1.SQL")
  940.             (object Attribute
  941.             tool           "Oracle8"
  942.             name           "DropClause"
  943.             value          FALSE)
  944.             (object Attribute
  945.             tool           "Oracle8"
  946.             name           "PrimaryKeyColumnName"
  947.             value          "_ID")
  948.             (object Attribute
  949.             tool           "Oracle8"
  950.             name           "PrimaryKeyColumnType"
  951.             value          "NUMBER(5,0)")
  952.             (object Attribute
  953.             tool           "Oracle8"
  954.             name           "SchemaNamePrefix"
  955.             value          "")
  956.             (object Attribute
  957.             tool           "Oracle8"
  958.             name           "SchemaNameSuffix"
  959.             value          "")
  960.             (object Attribute
  961.             tool           "Oracle8"
  962.             name           "TableNamePrefix"
  963.             value          "")
  964.             (object Attribute
  965.             tool           "Oracle8"
  966.             name           "TableNameSuffix"
  967.             value          "")
  968.             (object Attribute
  969.             tool           "Oracle8"
  970.             name           "TypeNamePrefix"
  971.             value          "")
  972.             (object Attribute
  973.             tool           "Oracle8"
  974.             name           "TypeNameSuffix"
  975.             value          "")
  976.             (object Attribute
  977.             tool           "Oracle8"
  978.             name           "ViewNamePrefix"
  979.             value          "")
  980.             (object Attribute
  981.             tool           "Oracle8"
  982.             name           "ViewNameSuffix"
  983.             value          "")
  984.             (object Attribute
  985.             tool           "Oracle8"
  986.             name           "VarrayNamePrefix"
  987.             value          "")
  988.             (object Attribute
  989.             tool           "Oracle8"
  990.             name           "VarrayNameSuffix"
  991.             value          "")
  992.             (object Attribute
  993.             tool           "Oracle8"
  994.             name           "NestedTableNamePrefix"
  995.             value          "")
  996.             (object Attribute
  997.             tool           "Oracle8"
  998.             name           "NestedTableNameSuffix"
  999.             value          "")
  1000.             (object Attribute
  1001.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1002.             name           "ObjectTableNamePrefix"
  1003.             value          "")
  1004.             (object Attribute
  1005.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1006.             name           "ObjectTableNameSuffix"
  1007.             value          "")))
  1008.         (object Attribute
  1009.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1010.         name           "default__Module-Spec"
  1011.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1012.             (object Attribute
  1013.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1014.             name           "IsSchema"
  1015.             value          FALSE)))
  1016.         (object Attribute
  1017.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1018.         name           "default__Class"
  1019.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1020.             (object Attribute
  1021.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1022.             name           "OID"
  1023.             value          "")
  1024.             (object Attribute
  1025.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1026.             name           "WhereClause"
  1027.             value          "")
  1028.             (object Attribute
  1029.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1030.             name           "CheckConstraint"
  1031.             value          "")
  1032.             (object Attribute
  1033.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1034.             name           "CollectionTypeLength"
  1035.             value          "")
  1036.             (object Attribute
  1037.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1038.             name           "CollectionTypePrecision"
  1039.             value          "")
  1040.             (object Attribute
  1041.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1042.             name           "CollectionTypeScale"
  1043.             value          "")
  1044.             (object Attribute
  1045.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1046.             name           "CollectionOfREFS"
  1047.             value          FALSE)))
  1048.         (object Attribute
  1049.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1050.         name           "default__Operation"
  1051.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1052.             (object Attribute
  1053.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1054.             name           "MethodKind"
  1055.             value          ("MethodKindSet" 1903))
  1056.             (object Attribute
  1057.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1058.             name           "OverloadID"
  1059.             value          "")
  1060.             (object Attribute
  1061.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1062.             name           "OrderNumber"
  1063.             value          "")
  1064.             (object Attribute
  1065.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1066.             name           "IsReadNoDataState"
  1067.             value          FALSE)
  1068.             (object Attribute
  1069.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1070.             name           "IsReadNoProcessState"
  1071.             value          FALSE)
  1072.             (object Attribute
  1073.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1074.             name           "IsWriteNoDataState"
  1075.             value          FALSE)
  1076.             (object Attribute
  1077.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1078.             name           "IsWriteNoProcessState"
  1079.             value          FALSE)
  1080.             (object Attribute
  1081.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1082.             name           "IsSelfish"
  1083.             value          FALSE)
  1084.             (object Attribute
  1085.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1086.             name           "TriggerType"
  1087.             value          ("TriggerTypeSet" 1801))
  1088.             (object Attribute
  1089.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1090.             name           "TriggerEvent"
  1091.             value          ("TriggerEventSet" 1601))
  1092.             (object Attribute
  1093.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1094.             name           "TriggerText"
  1095.             value          "")
  1096.             (object Attribute
  1097.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1098.             name           "TriggerReferencingNames"
  1099.             value          "")
  1100.             (object Attribute
  1101.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1102.             name           "TriggerForEach"
  1103.             value          ("TriggerForEachSet" 1701))
  1104.             (object Attribute
  1105.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1106.             name           "TriggerWhenClause"
  1107.             value          "")
  1108.             (object Attribute
  1109.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1110.             name           "MethodKindSet"
  1111.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1112.                 (object Attribute
  1113.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1114.                 name           "MapMethod"
  1115.                 value          1901)
  1116.                 (object Attribute
  1117.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1118.                 name           "OrderMethod"
  1119.                 value          1902)
  1120.                 (object Attribute
  1121.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1122.                 name           "Function"
  1123.                 value          1903)
  1124.                 (object Attribute
  1125.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1126.                 name           "Procedure"
  1127.                 value          1904)
  1128.                 (object Attribute
  1129.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1130.                 name           "Operator"
  1131.                 value          1905)
  1132.                 (object Attribute
  1133.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1134.                 name           "Constructor"
  1135.                 value          1906)
  1136.                 (object Attribute
  1137.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1138.                 name           "Destructor"
  1139.                 value          1907)
  1140.                 (object Attribute
  1141.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1142.                 name           "Trigger"
  1143.                 value          1908)
  1144.                 (object Attribute
  1145.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1146.                 name           "Calculated"
  1147.                 value          1909)))
  1148.             (object Attribute
  1149.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1150.             name           "TriggerTypeSet"
  1151.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1152.                 (object Attribute
  1153.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1154.                 name           "AFTER"
  1155.                 value          1801)
  1156.                 (object Attribute
  1157.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1158.                 name           "BEFORE"
  1159.                 value          1802)
  1160.                 (object Attribute
  1161.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1162.                 name           "INSTEAD OF"
  1163.                 value          1803)))
  1164.             (object Attribute
  1165.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1166.             name           "TriggerForEachSet"
  1167.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1168.                 (object Attribute
  1169.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1170.                 name           "ROW"
  1171.                 value          1701)
  1172.                 (object Attribute
  1173.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1174.                 name           "STATEMENT"
  1175.                 value          1702)))
  1176.             (object Attribute
  1177.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1178.             name           "TriggerEventSet"
  1179.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1180.                 (object Attribute
  1181.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1182.                 name           "INSERT"
  1183.                 value          1601)
  1184.                 (object Attribute
  1185.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1186.                 name           "UPDATE"
  1187.                 value          1602)
  1188.                 (object Attribute
  1189.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1190.                 name           "DELETE"
  1191.                 value          1603)
  1192.                 (object Attribute
  1193.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1194.                 name           "INSERT OR UPDATE"
  1195.                 value          1604)
  1196.                 (object Attribute
  1197.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1198.                 name           "INSERT OR DELETE"
  1199.                 value          1605)
  1200.                 (object Attribute
  1201.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1202.                 name           "UPDATE OR DELETE"
  1203.                 value          1606)
  1204.                 (object Attribute
  1205.                 tool           "Oracle8"
  1206.                 name           "INSERT OR UPDATE OR DELETE"
  1207.                 value          1607)))))
  1208.         (object Attribute
  1209.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1210.         name           "default__Role"
  1211.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1212.             (object Attribute
  1213.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1214.             name           "OrderNumber"
  1215.             value          "")))
  1216.         (object Attribute
  1217.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1218.         name           "default__Attribute"
  1219.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1220.             (object Attribute
  1221.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1222.             name           "OrderNumber"
  1223.             value          "")
  1224.             (object Attribute
  1225.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1226.             name           "IsUnique"
  1227.             value          FALSE)
  1228.             (object Attribute
  1229.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1230.             name           "NullsAllowed"
  1231.             value          TRUE)
  1232.             (object Attribute
  1233.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1234.             name           "Length"
  1235.             value          "")
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  1237.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1238.             name           "Precision"
  1239.             value          "2")
  1240.             (object Attribute
  1241.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1242.             name           "Scale"
  1243.             value          "6")
  1244.             (object Attribute
  1245.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1246.             name           "IsIndex"
  1247.             value          FALSE)
  1248.             (object Attribute
  1249.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1250.             name           "IsPrimaryKey"
  1251.             value          FALSE)
  1252.             (object Attribute
  1253.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1254.             name           "CompositeUnique"
  1255.             value          FALSE)
  1256.             (object Attribute
  1257.             tool           "Oracle8"
  1258.             name           "CheckConstraint"
  1259.             value          "")))
  1260.         (object Attribute
  1261.         tool           "Oracle8"
  1262.         name           "HiddenTool"
  1263.         value          FALSE)
  1264.         (object Attribute
  1265.         tool           "MSVC"
  1266.         name           "propertyId"
  1267.         value          "809135966")
  1268.         (object Attribute
  1269.         tool           "MSVC"
  1270.         name           "default__Project"
  1271.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1272.             (object Attribute
  1273.             tool           "MSVC"
  1274.             name           "Version"
  1275.             value          "5.0")))
  1276.         (object Attribute
  1277.         tool           "MSVC"
  1278.         name           "default__Class"
  1279.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1280.             (object Attribute
  1281.             tool           "MSVC"
  1282.             name           "Type"
  1283.             value          ("MSVCClassTypeSet" 0))
  1284.             (object Attribute
  1285.             tool           "MSVC"
  1286.             name           "MSVCClassTypeSet"
  1287.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1288.                 (object Attribute
  1289.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1290.                 name           "Normal"
  1291.                 value          0)
  1292.                 (object Attribute
  1293.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1294.                 name           "Interface_Part"
  1295.                 value          1)
  1296.                 (object Attribute
  1297.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1298.                 name           "Connection_Part"
  1299.                 value          2)
  1300.                 (object Attribute
  1301.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1302.                 name           "Class_Factory"
  1303.                 value          3)))
  1304.             (object Attribute
  1305.             tool           "MSVC"
  1306.             name           "CObjectFunctionality"
  1307.             value          ("CObjectFunctionalitySet" 0))
  1308.             (object Attribute
  1309.             tool           "MSVC"
  1310.             name           "CObjectFunctionalitySet"
  1311.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1312.                 (object Attribute
  1313.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1314.                 name           "None"
  1315.                 value          0)
  1316.                 (object Attribute
  1317.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1318.                 name           "Dynamic"
  1319.                 value          1)
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  1775.                 value          3)
  1776.                 (object Attribute
  1777.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1778.                 name           "Field_Data"
  1779.                 value          4)
  1780.                 (object Attribute
  1781.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1782.                 name           "Stock_Property"
  1783.                 value          5)))
  1784.             (object Attribute
  1785.             tool           "MSVC"
  1786.             name           "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries"
  1787.             value          (value Text ""))
  1788.             (object Attribute
  1789.             tool           "MSVC"
  1790.             name           "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries"
  1791.             value          (value Text ""))
  1792.             (object Attribute
  1793.             tool           "MSVC"
  1794.             name           "DeclSpec"
  1795.             value          "")
  1796.             (object Attribute
  1797.             tool           "MSVC"
  1798.             name           "PointerBase"
  1799.             value          "")
  1800.             (object Attribute
  1801.             tool           "MSVC"
  1802.             name           "CallType"
  1803.             value          "")
  1804.             (object Attribute
  1805.             tool           "MSVC"
  1806.             name           "StockPropertyImplementation"
  1807.             value          "")))
  1808.         (object Attribute
  1809.         tool           "MSVC"
  1810.         name           "default__Attribute"
  1811.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1812.             (object Attribute
  1813.             tool           "MSVC"
  1814.             name           "Type"
  1815.             value          ("MSVCAttributeTypeSet" 0))
  1816.             (object Attribute
  1817.             tool           "MSVC"
  1818.             name           "MSVCAttributeTypeSet"
  1819.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1820.                 (object Attribute
  1821.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1822.                 name           "Normal"
  1823.                 value          0)
  1824.                 (object Attribute
  1825.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1826.                 name           "Member_Property"
  1827.                 value          1)
  1828.                 (object Attribute
  1829.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1830.                 name           "Get_Set_Property"
  1831.                 value          2)
  1832.                 (object Attribute
  1833.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1834.                 name           "Dialog_Data"
  1835.                 value          3)
  1836.                 (object Attribute
  1837.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1838.                 name           "Field_Data"
  1839.                 value          4)
  1840.                 (object Attribute
  1841.                 tool           "MSVC"
  1842.                 name           "Stock_Property"
  1843.                 value          5)))
  1844.             (object Attribute
  1845.             tool           "MSVC"
  1846.             name           "AFX_DISPATCH_MAP_Entries"
  1847.             value          (value Text ""))
  1848.             (object Attribute
  1849.             tool           "MSVC"
  1850.             name           "DISPATCH_MAP_Entries"
  1851.             value          (value Text ""))
  1852.             (object Attribute
  1853.             tool           "MSVC"
  1854.             name           "DeclSpec"
  1855.             value          "")
  1856.             (object Attribute
  1857.             tool           "MSVC"
  1858.             name           "PointerBase"
  1859.             value          "")
  1860.             (object Attribute
  1861.             tool           "MSVC"
  1862.             name           "CallType"
  1863.             value          "")
  1864.             (object Attribute
  1865.             tool           "MSVC"
  1866.             name           "StockPropertyImplementation"
  1867.             value          "")))
  1868.         (object Attribute
  1869.         tool           "MSVC"
  1870.         name           "default__Module-Spec"
  1871.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1872.             (object Attribute
  1873.             tool           "MSVC"
  1874.             name           "GenerateIncludesGroup"
  1875.             value          FALSE)
  1876.             (object Attribute
  1877.             tool           "MSVC"
  1878.             name           "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries"
  1879.             value          (value Text ""))
  1880.             (object Attribute
  1881.             tool           "MSVC"
  1882.             name           "GenerateInsertLocation"
  1883.             value          FALSE)))
  1884.         (object Attribute
  1885.         tool           "MSVC"
  1886.         name           "default__Module-Body"
  1887.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1888.             (object Attribute
  1889.             tool           "MSVC"
  1890.             name           "GenerateIncludesGroup"
  1891.             value          FALSE)
  1892.             (object Attribute
  1893.             tool           "MSVC"
  1894.             name           "AFX_INCLUDES_Entries"
  1895.             value          (value Text ""))
  1896.             (object Attribute
  1897.             tool           "MSVC"
  1898.             name           "GenerateInsertLocation"
  1899.             value          FALSE)))
  1900.         (object Attribute
  1901.         tool           "IDL"
  1902.         name           "propertyId"
  1903.         value          "809135966")
  1904.         (object Attribute
  1905.         tool           "IDL"
  1906.         name           "default__Project"
  1907.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1908.             (object Attribute
  1909.             tool           "IDL"
  1910.             name           "CreateMissingDirectories"
  1911.             value          TRUE)
  1912.             (object Attribute
  1913.             tool           "IDL"
  1914.             name           "StopOnError"
  1915.             value          TRUE)
  1916.             (object Attribute
  1917.             tool           "IDL"
  1918.             name           "Directory"
  1919.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")
  1920.             (object Attribute
  1921.             tool           "IDL"
  1922.             name           "GeneratePreserveRegions"
  1923.             value          TRUE)))
  1924.         (object Attribute
  1925.         tool           "IDL"
  1926.         name           "default__Class"
  1927.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1928.             (object Attribute
  1929.             tool           "IDL"
  1930.             name           "ImplementationType"
  1931.             value          "")
  1932.             (object Attribute
  1933.             tool           "IDL"
  1934.             name           "ConstValue"
  1935.             value          "")
  1936.             (object Attribute
  1937.             tool           "IDL"
  1938.             name           "GenerateDefaultSpecifier"
  1939.             value          FALSE)
  1940.             (object Attribute
  1941.             tool           "IDL"
  1942.             name           "DefaultSpecifier"
  1943.             value          "")
  1944.             (object Attribute
  1945.             tool           "IDL"
  1946.             name           "IDLElement"
  1947.             value          TRUE)
  1948.             (object Attribute
  1949.             tool           "IDL"
  1950.             name           "IDLSpecificationType"
  1951.             value          ("IDLSpecSet" 22))
  1952.             (object Attribute
  1953.             tool           "IDL"
  1954.             name           "IDLSpecSet"
  1955.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  1956.                 (object Attribute
  1957.                 tool           "IDL"
  1958.                 name           "Interface"
  1959.                 value          22)
  1960.                 (object Attribute
  1961.                 tool           "IDL"
  1962.                 name           "Typedef"
  1963.                 value          54)
  1964.                 (object Attribute
  1965.                 tool           "IDL"
  1966.                 name           "Enumeration"
  1967.                 value          8)
  1968.                 (object Attribute
  1969.                 tool           "IDL"
  1970.                 name           "Const"
  1971.                 value          71)
  1972.                 (object Attribute
  1973.                 tool           "IDL"
  1974.                 name           "Exception"
  1975.                 value          61)
  1976.                 (object Attribute
  1977.                 tool           "IDL"
  1978.                 name           "Struct"
  1979.                 value          51)
  1980.                 (object Attribute
  1981.                 tool           "IDL"
  1982.                 name           "Union"
  1983.                 value          81)))))
  1984.         (object Attribute
  1985.         tool           "IDL"
  1986.         name           "default__Module-Spec"
  1987.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  1988.             (object Attribute
  1989.             tool           "IDL"
  1990.             name           "Generate"
  1991.             value          TRUE)
  1992.             (object Attribute
  1993.             tool           "IDL"
  1994.             name           "CmIdentification"
  1995.             value          (value Text "  %X% %Q% %Z% %W%"))
  1996.             (object Attribute
  1997.             tool           "IDL"
  1998.             name           "CopyrightNotice"
  1999.             value          (value Text ""))
  2000.             (object Attribute
  2001.             tool           "IDL"
  2002.             name           "FileName"
  2003.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")
  2004.             (object Attribute
  2005.             tool           "IDL"
  2006.             name           "GenerateIDLModule"
  2007.             value          FALSE)
  2008.             (object Attribute
  2009.             tool           "IDL"
  2010.             name           "InclusionProtectionSymbol"
  2011.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")
  2012.             (object Attribute
  2013.             tool           "IDL"
  2014.             name           "AdditionalIncludes"
  2015.             value          (value Text ""))
  2016.             (object Attribute
  2017.             tool           "IDL"
  2018.             name           "IncludeBySimpleName"
  2019.             value          FALSE)))
  2020.         (object Attribute
  2021.         tool           "IDL"
  2022.         name           "default__Module-Body"
  2023.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2024.             (object Attribute
  2025.             tool           "IDL"
  2026.             name           "CmIdentification"
  2027.             value          (value Text "  %X% %Q% %Z% %W%"))
  2028.             (object Attribute
  2029.             tool           "IDL"
  2030.             name           "CopyrightNotice"
  2031.             value          (value Text ""))
  2032.             (object Attribute
  2033.             tool           "IDL"
  2034.             name           "FileName"
  2035.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")
  2036.             (object Attribute
  2037.             tool           "IDL"
  2038.             name           "AdditionalIncludes"
  2039.             value          (value Text ""))
  2040.             (object Attribute
  2041.             tool           "IDL"
  2042.             name           "IncludeBySimpleName"
  2043.             value          FALSE)))
  2044.         (object Attribute
  2045.         tool           "IDL"
  2046.         name           "default__Operation"
  2047.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2048.             (object Attribute
  2049.             tool           "IDL"
  2050.             name           "OperationIsOneWay"
  2051.             value          FALSE)
  2052.             (object Attribute
  2053.             tool           "IDL"
  2054.             name           "Context"
  2055.             value          "")
  2056.             (object Attribute
  2057.             tool           "IDL"
  2058.             name           "Raises"
  2059.             value          "")))
  2060.         (object Attribute
  2061.         tool           "IDL"
  2062.         name           "default__Attribute"
  2063.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2064.             (object Attribute
  2065.             tool           "IDL"
  2066.             name           "CaseSpecifier"
  2067.             value          "")
  2068.             (object Attribute
  2069.             tool           "IDL"
  2070.             name           "GenerateDataMember"
  2071.             value          TRUE)
  2072.             (object Attribute
  2073.             tool           "IDL"
  2074.             name           "DataMemberName"
  2075.             value          "$relationship")
  2076.             (object Attribute
  2077.             tool           "IDL"
  2078.             name           "IsReadOnly"
  2079.             value          FALSE)
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  2081.             tool           "IDL"
  2082.             name           "IsConst"
  2083.             value          FALSE)
  2084.             (object Attribute
  2085.             tool           "IDL"
  2086.             name           "ConstValue"
  2087.             value          "")))
  2088.         (object Attribute
  2089.         tool           "IDL"
  2090.         name           "default__Has"
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  2093.             tool           "IDL"
  2094.             name           "NameIfUnlabeled"
  2095.             value          "the_$supplier")
  2096.             (object Attribute
  2097.             tool           "IDL"
  2098.             name           "GenerateDataMember"
  2099.             value          TRUE)
  2100.             (object Attribute
  2101.             tool           "IDL"
  2102.             name           "DataMemberName"
  2103.             value          "$relationship")
  2104.             (object Attribute
  2105.             tool           "IDL"
  2106.             name           "GenerateForwardReference"
  2107.             value          FALSE)
  2108.             (object Attribute
  2109.             tool           "IDL"
  2110.             name           "IsReadOnly"
  2111.             value          FALSE)
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  2113.             tool           "IDL"
  2114.             name           "BoundedHasRelType"
  2115.             value          ("HasRelTypeSet" 47))
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  2117.             tool           "IDL"
  2118.             name           "HasRelTypeSet"
  2119.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  2120.                 (object Attribute
  2121.                 tool           "IDL"
  2122.                 name           "Array"
  2123.                 value          24)
  2124.                 (object Attribute
  2125.                 tool           "IDL"
  2126.                 name           "Sequence"
  2127.                 value          47)))))
  2128.         (object Attribute
  2129.         tool           "IDL"
  2130.         name           "default__Role"
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  2132.             (object Attribute
  2133.             tool           "IDL"
  2134.             name           "NameIfUnlabeled"
  2135.             value          "the_$supplier")
  2136.             (object Attribute
  2137.             tool           "IDL"
  2138.             name           "GenerateDataMember"
  2139.             value          TRUE)
  2140.             (object Attribute
  2141.             tool           "IDL"
  2142.             name           "DataMemberName"
  2143.             value          "$relationship")
  2144.             (object Attribute
  2145.             tool           "IDL"
  2146.             name           "GenerateForwardReference"
  2147.             value          FALSE)
  2148.             (object Attribute
  2149.             tool           "IDL"
  2150.             name           "IsReadOnly"
  2151.             value          FALSE)
  2152.             (object Attribute
  2153.             tool           "IDL"
  2154.             name           "BoundedRoleType"
  2155.             value          ("AssocTypeSet" 47))
  2156.             (object Attribute
  2157.             tool           "IDL"
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  2159.             value          (list Attribute_Set
  2160.                 (object Attribute
  2161.                 tool           "IDL"
  2162.                 name           "Array"
  2163.                 value          24)
  2164.                 (object Attribute
  2165.                 tool           "IDL"
  2166.                 name           "Sequence"
  2167.                 value          47)))))
  2168.         (object Attribute
  2169.         tool           "IDL"
  2170.         name           "default__Uses"
  2171.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2172.             (object Attribute
  2173.             tool           "IDL"
  2174.             name           "GenerateForwardReference"
  2175.             value          FALSE)))
  2176.         (object Attribute
  2177.         tool           "IDL"
  2178.         name           "default__Subsystem"
  2179.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2180.             (object Attribute
  2181.             tool           "IDL"
  2182.             name           "Directory"
  2183.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")))
  2184.         (object Attribute
  2185.         tool           "IDL"
  2186.         name           "HiddenTool"
  2187.         value          FALSE)
  2188.         (object Attribute
  2189.         tool           "Java"
  2190.         name           "propertyId"
  2191.         value          "809135966")
  2192.         (object Attribute
  2193.         tool           "Java"
  2194.         name           "default__Project"
  2195.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2196.             (object Attribute
  2197.             tool           "Java"
  2198.             name           "CreateMissingDirectories"
  2199.             value          TRUE)
  2200.             (object Attribute
  2201.             tool           "Java"
  2202.             name           "StopOnError"
  2203.             value          FALSE)
  2204.             (object Attribute
  2205.             tool           "Java"
  2206.             name           "Directory"
  2207.             value          "AUTO GENERATE")
  2208.             (object Attribute
  2209.             tool           "Java"
  2210.             name           "UsePrefixes"
  2211.             value          FALSE)
  2212.             (object Attribute
  2213.             tool           "Java"
  2214.             name           "InstanceVariablePrefix"
  2215.             value          "m_")
  2216.             (object Attribute
  2217.             tool           "Java"
  2218.             name           "ClassVariablePrefix"
  2219.             value          "s_")
  2220.             (object Attribute
  2221.             tool           "Java"
  2222.             name           "DefaultAttributeDataType"
  2223.             value          "int")
  2224.             (object Attribute
  2225.             tool           "Java"
  2226.             name           "DefaultOperationReturnType"
  2227.             value          "void")))
  2228.         (object Attribute
  2229.         tool           "Java"
  2230.         name           "default__Class"
  2231.         value          (list Attribute_Set
  2232.             (object Attribute
  2233.             tool           "Java"
  2234.             name           "Final"
  2235.             value          FALSE)
  2236.             (object Attribute
  2237.             tool           "Java"
  2238.             name           "GenerateDefaultConstructor"
  2239.             value          TRUE)
  2240.             (object Attribute
  2241.             tool           "Java"
  2242.             name           "ConstructorIs"
  2243.             value          ("Ctor_Set" 62))
  2244.             (object Attribute
  2245.             tool           "Java"
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  2269.             tool           "Java"
  2270.             name           "GenerateInstanceInitializer"
  2271.             value          FALSE)))
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  2277.             tool           "Java"
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  2285.             tool           "Java"
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  2317.             tool           "Java"
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  2355.             value          FALSE)))
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  2371.             value          "")
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  2383.             value          FALSE)))
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